Tuesday, April 09, 2002

another annotated thing for my biblio:
'The Lamella of David Lynch' by Slavoj Zizek (p205 - 220). a chapter from 'Reading Seminar XI: Lacan's Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis' eds. Richard Feldstein, Bruch Fink, Maire Jaanus. 1995. State University of New York Press.
Zizek uses a postmodernist view to understand theories on Lacan, and then produces textual criticism on Pre-Raphaelite painters, Lynch's ontology as a filmmaker, and Milan Kundera. He discusses theses modes of storytelling, in regard to the 'gaze', 'cause & effect', 'the loss of reality', space & open (does not mention Deleuze) etc. A good example of how Lynch's work helps us understand postmodernism.


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